Sunday, July 5, 2009

4th of July!

4th was fun! We went to my dad's house. The kids had a great time! We played volleyball, me and Sarah won, unless you ask Steven and Ryan! We BBQ'd some chicken and some sausages. Had some bomb diggity potato salad (note to self: get recipe for potato salad from Bev) and I had soda for the first time in over a week. I missed it lol, although I have yet to go get some for us, not sure if I will. Now I am at home, and have water. Pfft who wants that! Abby of course refused to nap the entire day, even when daddy put her in the car and drove around for 15 minutes trying to drive her to sleep. Blake was as crazy as usual, running around, doing sparklers, and just having a good time like always at grandpas house. We did a bunch of fireworks at the end of the night, apparently my dad isn't "the man" because he didn't pay the 400 dollars for the 6 foot by 3 foot package of fireworks that was conveniently titled "you the man" package. Oh and the "FINDING NEMO" firework, which was, according to the salesman, supposed to shoot up in the air things that looked like fish. Blake claimed he saw finding nemo, I on the other hand, saw a crappy ass firework which my dad paid to much money for. Eh, it was all fun though. Since Washington is stupid, it didn't get dark until after 9, so we didn't end up getting home till around 11 or so, maybe later, and kids were passed out, and I was DONE! I was so tired, although I still had enough energy to check my facebook lol. Priorities!! I forgot my camera so I only got a couple of cell phone pics!

Just realized my cell phone is in my room where a sleeping princess named Abby is. Pictures to come tomorrow!

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